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Radio Frequency is a very effective anti-aging treatment. A radio frequency handle emits radio frequency currents, pulsing through 4 electrodes. When these currents flow into the skin, the electromagnetic energy is transformed into heat. The heat evenly spreads within the dermal matrix, causing the contraction of existing collagen fibers and stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin to tighten sagging skin. 

Georgina Beauty Rooms Radio Frequency

How it works


The Apollo Duet RF handpiece emits radio frequency currents through 4 electrodes. When these currents flow into the skin, the RF energy heats the water molecules in the dermis which heats the dermis up to a temperature of 45-46 degrees C (with skin surface temp. of 40-42 degrees C). Effective heating of the dermal matrix has a triple impact:


Skin lifting and tightening – the heat coagulates the collagen 1 fibres (the main protein fibres in the dermis). The contraction of these fibres results in a lifting and tightening effect.


Skin firming – the heat stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen and induces new generation of hyaluronic acid. These processes result in a firmer skin (takes 3 weeks). 


Plumping and reducing wrinkles – the heat stimulates blood circulation, which rehydrates the outer skin layers, plumps the skin and reduces wrinkles.


The Apollo Duet multipolar radio frequency treatment is more effective than that of most radio frequency devices currently available in the market, for two main reasons:


  1. Using the electroporation + iontophoresis function of Apollo Duet, we can effectively insert hydration into patients’ skin tissues, prior to a radio frequency treatment. When conducted on a saturated skin, radio frequency treatments have a much greater anti-aging and skin rejuvenation impact.

  2. The Apollo Duet radio frequency handle incorporates a built-in heat sensor, indicating patients’ skin temperature in real-time. This is not merely a safety mechanism but also allows for a very accurate treatment, precisely tailored to patients’ skin condition, and therefore yielding better results.


The Apollo Duet has red LED light in it’s radio frequency handset.

The benefits:


  • Skin lifting and tightening.

  • Skin firming.

  • Plumping and reducing wrinkles.


How often can I have a radio frequency treatment?


We will discuss an individual treatment plan with you to ensure you get the best results. Please note that more radio frequency treatments may be required depending on age and skin condition. Below is an example of a treatment plan: 


  • Treatment 1: a full electroporation (EL) and iontophoresis (ION) treatment to improve hydration. 7-10 days later. 

  • Treatment 2: short EL & ION treatment followed by radio frequency treatment 3 weeks later.

  • Treatment 3: short EL & ION treatment followed by radio frequency treatment 3 weeks later.

  • Treatment 4: short EL & ION treatment followed by radio frequency treatment 3 weeks later.

  • Treatment 5: short EL & ION treatment followed by radio frequency treatment 3 weeks later.

  • Treatment 6: a full electroporation (EL) and iontophoresis (ION) treatment to improve hydration.

  • Maintenance treatment sessions every 4-6 weeks.


After care advice


  • Gently wash the treated area on the same day, but do not rub or massage the face for 24 hours. Cleanse using a mild cleanser.

  • Make up can be applied once the skin has settled.

  • Refrain from extreme temperatures such as intensive sun light, saunas, sunbed, steam bath, and hot showers for the rest of the day.

  • Avoid electrolysis, waxing, bleaching (face), deplatory creams, laser hair removal for at least 72 hours.


Active chronic diseases Unstable diabetes Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Auto-immune disorders (e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus or vitiligo) Cancer, including in the first 5 years of remission. Any immuno-deficiency Hemophilia Hepatitis Injections of Botox or hyaluronic acid in the past month Silicone injections to the treatment area Dissolvable or permanent threads to the dermis Permanent electronic device attached to the patient’s body Unstable heart condition Unstable hypertension Epilepsy Pregnancy or breastfeeding Under age of 12 Open wounds/skin lesions Active eczema, psoriasis or herpes Skin inflammation, irritation or blemishes (e.g. seborrhea, acne, rosacea, couperose) A history of blood coagulation disorders A body temperature over 38 degrees and client feels sick Use of retinol products, or products with a high percentage of AHA/BHA in the last 7-10 days before treatment

Radio Frequency Facial (approx 60 mins): £120
CALL 01245 467 389 TO BOOK

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